A Distell E+Scalator Project
Skills development

The Handwork Hub is all about empowering our ladies to prosper. It’s great that they are all employed and therefore earning but we are also concerned with improving their skills so they can potentially earn outside of their formal work environment. Actually it is more than just improving skills to increase earning capacity it is about personal growth because each lady will boost her self-esteem as she realizes that she is talented and capable. Furthermore, her children are watching and learning as she does.
Sewing Course
Those ladies that expressed interested in sewing were enrolled in small groups at Themba Training. Some completed the basic course, while others went on to do the intermediate and advanced. The skills that they gained have allowed us to take on CMT (Cut/Make/Trim) jobs from companies and it has been a wonderful experience sharing each ladies excitement as she discovers what she is capable of. Themba Training also allows the ladies to use their sewing machines on an adhoc basis so the ladies can sew clothing items for their family and/or to sell in the community.
Crochet Lessons
We were approached by a company interested in macrame and so we brought in a lady to teach us about knotting and crocheting. Again, these lessons allowed us to take on work but they were fun and they gave our ladies an opportunity to learn something new while increasing their joy at work.
Leather Workshop
We were approached by a company who asked us to make leather leads and collars for dogs and so we went in search of a leather expert. Geert Schuiling was an excellent teacher and he hosted the workshop at Woodheads in Cape Town. The ladies thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Woodheads continued to partner with us after the workshop. They did the precision cutting of the leather and then we did the stitching, sealing and applied the fittings.
Unit 13 Taylormade Park, Henry Vos Close, Asla Business Park, Strand, 7140
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